Russ Hood
1 min readDec 19, 2023


Waiting Our Turn

This piece attempts to look at the theory of Reincarnation from a couple of perspectives. The first look is from a purely arithmetical point of view. Looking at worldwide data, it's evident that there are about 100 million more people dying each year than being born. It's simply doesn’t work to suggest that when a person dies that he/she is immediately reborn in another human body. Even if we included all of the living things on earth to absorb all of the bodiless humans, the population of all things on this planet is not static.

Passing away/being born is not a ratio equal to one. But I don't think the Reincarnation story should be understood in that vein. First a personal story:

I was a military dependent over 20 years, and we moved frequently. I attended three elementary schools in three states, two junior high schools in two countries, and three high schools in three countries. Every couple of years I had to put all of my model airplanes and ships (in progress)

